Aimee and the baby

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Well I finally threw up and it was awful. It happened yesterday at 10am, I hadnt eaten anything yet and I was drinking Crystal Light Fruit Punch. I was at the front desk talking to Nat when it just hit me. I made to the bathroom but barely in the stall before I let rip! It looked like I had bled everywhere. Bless Nat's heart, she cleaned it all up including my pee. Yeah, I peed my pants. I couldnt help it and luckily I was wearing a skirt so it didnt get my clothes. I did, however, go commando for the rest of the a skirt! I will remember to bring a change of clothes from now on. It was an awful feeling and I hope to never do it again. I think it was just because I hadnt eaten, so now I am making sure to eat breakfast. I have been good so far today!

The job is working out pretty good. We basically just vacuum for 3 hours and the extra money is going to be great! I will finally have all my loans paid off and start the new year with two of my New Year's resolutions fulfilled! On top of that, I am having a baby, which I get more and more excited about as time goes by.


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